Concrete Isles - Kirby and the Forgotten Land https://youtu.be/7cqo3orPqbM 00:22 Greet 3 sea birds (1/3) 01:33 Save the hidden Waddle Dees (1/4) 03:02 Greet 3 sea birds (2/3) 05:02 Save the hidden Waddle Dees (2/4) 05:27 Make landfall on the isle of treasure 05:34 Save the hidden Waddle Dees (3/4) 05:55 Greet 3 sea birds (3/3) 07:24 Save the hidden Waddle Dees (4/4) 07:37 Dig up a Maxim Tomato C..
2022. 4. 11. 11:53