Moonlight Canyon, Kirby and the Forgotten Land https://youtu.be/S2X-RYNwkPA 01:26 Remove 3 wanted posters (1/3) 04:11 Save the hidden Waddles Dees (1/5) 05:04 Save the hidden Waddles Dees (2/5) 05:31 Remove 3 wanted posters (2/3) 06:38 Remove 3 wanted posters (3/3) 07:01 Save the hidden Waddles Dees (3/5) 08:51 Save the hidden Waddles Dees (4/5) 08:59 clear the secret room without falling 11:22 ..

Searching the Oasis, Kirby and the Forgotten Land https://youtu.be/DvB1IUu_xlQ 02:09 Save the hidden Waddles Dees (1/5) 05:02 Save the hidden Waddles Dees (2/5) 06:59 Save the hidden Waddles Dees (3/5) 10:50 Save the hidden Waddles Dees (4/5) 12:29 Defeat 2 Poison Croakoms 12:34 Save the hidden Waddles Dees (5/5) Searching the Oasis, Kirby and the Forgotten Land, Searching the Oasis, Originull W..

The Wastes Where Life Began, Kirby and the Forgotten Land https://youtu.be/eUZwhoavdwE 05:59 Save the hidden Waddles Dees (1/3) 08:15 Save the hidden Waddles Dees (2/3) 09:04 Save the hidden Waddles Dees (3/3) The Wastes Where Life Began, Kirby and the Forgotten Land, The Wastes Where Life Began, Originull Wasteland, Kirby and the Forgotten Land, The Wastes Where Life Began Clear the stage, The ..

Windy, Freezing Seas - Kirby and the Forgotten Land https://youtu.be/KEH34OurKl4 01:57 Save the hidden Waddles Dees (1/5) 02:13 Find a cave that's safe from the wind 04:44 Enjoy 3 meals at sea 04:48 Save the hidden Waddles Dees (2/5) 05:53 Save the hidden Waddles Dees (3/5) 06:44 Save the hidden Waddles Dees (4/5) 08:18 Jump into the secret underground room 09:29 Save the hidden Waddles Dees (5/..