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대전 동물원(오월드) 퓨마 탈출

뽀로로친구에디 2018. 9. 18. 18:05

대전 동물원(오월드) 퓨마 탈출

2018년 9월 18일 17시 10분경 대전동물원에서 퓨마 1마리가 탈출했다고 해요. 

보문산에 사시는분들 주의하래요. 

대전동물원 퓨마 영상입니다. 


대전퓨마, 오월드퓨마, 보문산퓨마 탈출!!! 

대전동물원 퓨마 탈출에서 ... 사살까지 

우리 청소한 뒤 열린 문으로 탈출

동물원 관람객, 인근 주민 긴급 대피

마취총 맞고 쓰러졌다가 다시 도주, 역시 퓨마다!!

방금 긴급재난문자 왔는데 퓨마가 21시44분에 사살 상황종료됐다고 합니다. 잘가~ 저세상에서는 자유롭게 살아라~ 슬프다. ㅠㅠ

다친 사람이 없어서 다행이긴 한데, 사살한건 좀 아쉽긴하네요. 위험한 동물이라서 생포하기가 위험하고 어렵다는 생각도 드네요. 사살하는건 단시간안에 쉽고 좀더 안전하게 처리하는 방법을 선택한것 같아요.

아무튼 아쉽네요.

뉴스 기사에 의하면 대전오월드는 금강유역환경청으로부터 안전관리 소홀 책임을 물어 행정처분될 방침이라고 합니다.

2018년 6월에 찍은 대전동물원 퓨마 영상

탈출한 퓨마는 2010년 태어난 암컷으로, 60kg 가량 된다고 해요.

Puma is a genus in the Felidae that contains the cougar (also known as the puma, among other names), and may also include several poorly known Old World fossil representatives (for example, Puma pardoides, or Owen's panther, a large, cougar-like cat of Eurasia's Pliocene).[2][3] In addition to these potential Old World fossils, a few New World fossil representatives are possible, such as Puma pumoides[4] and the two proposed species of the so-called "American cheetah"

Pumas are large, secretive cats. They are also commonly known as cougars and mountain lions, and are able to reach larger sizes than some other "big" cat individuals. Despite their large size, they are thought to be more closely related to smaller feline species. The seven subspecies of pumas all have similar characteristics, but tend to vary in color and size. Pumas are thought to be one of the most adaptable of felines on the American continents, because they are found in a variety of different habitats, unlike other various cat species.[6]

Distribution and habitat[edit]

Members of the genus Puma are primarily found in the mountains of North and South America, where a majority of individuals can be found in rocky crags and pastures lower than the slopes grazing herbivores inhabit. Though they choose to inhabit those areas, they are highly adaptive and can be found in a large variety of habitats, including forests, tropical jungle, grasslands, and even arid desert regions. Unfortunately, with the expansion of human settlements and land clearance, the cats are being pushed into smaller, more hostile areas. However, their high adaptability will likely allow them to avoid disappearing from the wild forever.[6]

Anatomy and appearance[edit]

Subspecies of the genus Puma include cats that are the fourth-largest in the cat family. Adult males can reach around 7.9 feet from nose to tip of tail, and a body weight typically between 115 and 220 lb. Females can reach around 6.7 ft from nose to tail, and a body weight between 64 and 141 lb. They also have tails ranging from 25 to 37 in long. The heads of these cats are round, with erect ears. They have powerful forequarters, necks, and jaws which help grasp and hold prey. They have four retractable claws on their fore paws, and also their hind paws.

The majority of pumas are found in more mountainous regions, so they have a thick fur coat to help retain body heat during freezing winters. Depending on subspecies and the location of their habitat, the puma's fur varies in color from brown-yellow to grey-red. Individuals that live in colder climates have coats that are more grey than individuals living in warmer climates with a more red color to their coat. Pumas are incredibly powerful predators with muscular hind legs, which are slightly longer and stronger than the front, that enable them to be great leapers. They are able to leap as high as 18 ft into the air and as far as 40–45 ft horizontally. They can reach speeds up to 50 mph, but they are much better adapted for short and powerful sprints to catch their prey.[6]

Behavior and lifestyle[edit]

Members of the genus live solitarily, with the exception of the time cubs spend with their mothers. Individuals cover a large home range searching for food, covering a distance around 80 mi2 during the summers and 40 mi2 during the winters. They are also able to hunt at night just as effectively as they can during the day. Members of the genus are also known to make a variety of different sounds, particularly used when warning another individual away from their territory or during the mating season when looking for a mate.[6]

A study released in 2017 suggests that pumas have a secret social life only recently captured on film. They were seen sharing their food kills with other nearby pumas. They share many social patterns with more gregarious species such as chimpanzees.[7]


Members of this genus are large and powerful carnivores. The majority of their diet includes small animals such as mice, rats, birds, fish, and rabbits. Larger individuals are able to catch larger prey such as bighorn sheepdeerguanacomountain goatsraccoons, and coati. They occasionally take livestock in areas with high populations of them.[6]

Reproduction and life cycles[edit]

Breeding season normally occurs between December and March, with a three-month gestation period resulting in a litter size up to six cubs. After mating, male and female part ways; the male continues on to mate with other females for the duration of the mating season, while the female cares for the cubs on her own. Like most other felines, cubs are born blind and remain completely helpless for about 2 weeks until their eyes open. Cubs are born with spots and eventually lose all of them as they reach adulthood. The spots allow the cubs to hide better from predators. Cubs are able to eat solid food when they reach 2–3 months of age, and remain with their mother for about a year. The life expectancy of individuals in the wild averages 12 years, but can reach up to 25 years in captivity.[6]


Although they have been pushed into smaller habitats by human settlement expansion, members of the genus have been designated least-concern species by the IUCN, indicating low risk of becoming extinct in their natural environments in the near future. This is due to their high adaptiveness to changing habitat conditions. In fact, many feel the pumas' ability to adapt to different environments explains their current numbers.

대전동물원 퓨마 탈출 

마취총 맞고 쓰러졌다가 다시 도주

수색 작업 재개

경찰특공대와 119 특수 구조단 현장기동대 출동

퓨마(Puma, Puma concolor)는 아메리카 대륙의 대형 고양이과 동물이다, 쿠거(Cougar) 또는 팬서(Panther)라고도 한다.

몸길이 1.1~2m, 꼬리길이 60~78cm, 몸무게 30~103kg이다. 크기나 몸빛깔에는 지리적 변이가 많으며, 반점이 없다는 점이 재규어와 다르다. 몸은 가늘고 귀는 작고 끝이 둥글다. 머리는 나비가 넓고 짧다. 몸의 등면은 적갈색·황갈색·회색·갈색 등이고, 몸 아랫면은 흰색이며, 귀와 꼬리 끝은 검은색이다. 완전히 검은 퓨마도 있다. 어린 퓨마는 어두운 색의 큰 얼룩무늬가 있는데 이 얼룩무늬는 생후 3개월부터 점차 없어진다.

성질이 사나워 사람을 습격하는 일이 매우 많다.먹이는 사슴·큰뿔양·비버·프레리독·다람쥐·토끼·까마귀 등이며 때로는 가축을 덮치기도 한다. 퓨마는 먹이에 접근할 때 숨어서 움직이다가 갑자기 먹이의 앞에 뛰쳐 나와서 먹이의 목을 부수거나 땅바닥에 쓰러뜨린다.

임신기간은 13-14주이며 한배에 2-4마리의 새끼를 낳는다. 새끼는 눈을 감고 있으나 생후 2주일이면 눈을 뜬다. 어미는 새끼가 혼자 살 수 있을 때까지 돌보는데, 새끼 스스로 사냥법을 익히는 데 약 2년이 걸린다. 수명은 10~20년이다.

평지부터 4,000m 고지에 걸친 평원·사막·열대우림 등에 서식한다. 멕시코·중앙아메리카·캐나다 서부에서 남아메리카 파타고니아까지 분포한다.

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