티스토리 뷰

Invasion at the House of Horrors Kirby and the Forgotten Land


01:06 Eat 3 of the ghosts' hidden snacks (1/3)

01:50 Save the hidden Waddles Dees(1/4)

04:28 Save the hidden Waddles Dees(2/4)

05:06 Eat 3 of the ghosts' hidden snacks (2/3)

05:31 Save the hidden Waddles Dees(3/4)

07:08 Eat 3 of the ghosts' hidden snacks (3/3)

08:54 Destroy 13 aliens by using Vending Mouth

09:00 Save the hidden Waddles Dees(4/4)

Wondaria Remains, Invasion at the House of Horrors, Kirby and the Forgotten Land, Invasion at the House of Horrors Clear the stage, Invasion at the House of Horrors Save the hidden Waddles Dees, Invasion at the House of Horrors all waddles dees saved, Clear without touching any Ghost Gordos, Eat 3 of the ghosts' hidden snacks Destroy 13 aliens by using Vending Mouth, kirby game, kirby review

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