Burning, Churning Pwer Plant, Kirby and the Forgotten Land https://youtu.be/udJyQXljUnY 01:31 Perk up with 3 cups of coffee(1/3) 01:49 Save the hidden Waddles Dees(1/5) 02:07 Perk up with 3 cups of coffee(2/3) 02:55 Save the hidden Waddles Dees(2/5) 05:02 Save the hidden Waddles Dees(3/5) 06:41 Perk up with 3 cups of coffee(3/3) 07:27 Save the hidden Waddles Dees(4/5) 08:46 Save the hidden Waddl..
2022. 4. 11. 13:35