The Wondaria Dream Parade, Kirby and the Forgotten Land https://youtu.be/Z-V1KoCKkFU 02:50 Help the lost ducklings find their mama 03:39 save the hidden Waddles Dees (1/5) 06:10 save the hidden Waddles Dees (2/5) 06:46 save the hidden Waddles Dees (3/5) 07:04 Remove Elfilin's wanted poster 09:47 save the hidden Waddles Dees (4/5) 11:15 save the hidden Waddles Dees (5/5) The Wondaria Dream Parade..

Invasion at the House of Horrors Kirby and the Forgotten Land https://youtu.be/QQo2yAD0svM 01:06 Eat 3 of the ghosts' hidden snacks (1/3) 01:50 Save the hidden Waddles Dees(1/4) 04:28 Save the hidden Waddles Dees(2/4) 05:06 Eat 3 of the ghosts' hidden snacks (2/3) 05:31 Save the hidden Waddles Dees(3/4) 07:08 Eat 3 of the ghosts' hidden snacks (3/3) 08:54 Destroy 13 aliens by using Vending Mouth..

Circuit Speedway Kirby and the Forgotten Land https://youtu.be/SLLoik3yops 01:12 Save the hidden Waddles Dees (1/4) 03:45 Save the hidden Waddles Dees (2/4) 04:27 Defeat Wild Edge using an Invincible Candy 05:17 Save the hidden Waddles Dees (3/4) 09:54 Boost through the cardboard shortcuts 10:04 Save the hidden Waddles Dees (4/4) Wondaria Remains, Circuit Speedway, Kirby and the Forgotten Land, ..

Welcome to Wondaria Kirby and the Forgotten Land https://youtu.be/MK0fgpHMooQ 01:11 Help the lost ducklings find their mama 03:00 Save the hidden Waddles Dees (1/4) 06:48 Save the hidden Waddles Dees (2/4) 08:26 Save the hidden Waddles Dees (3/4) 11:49 Make all the wilted flowers bloom (1/8) 14:07 Save the hidden Waddles Dees (4/4) Wondaria Remains, Welcome to Wondaria, Kirby and the Forgotten L..